A Daughters Love and a Brownie Camera

by | Mar 11, 2022 | Stories

Today’s episode of The Storyteller’s Porch begins with sips of rebels from Dutch Bro’s and a conversation between our host, Jill Davis, and her daughter, Gracie Jenkins.

Gracie and Jill start this episode sharing memories of Gracie’s Gma and Gpa who are also Jill’s mom and dad.

They share thoughts and memories about visiting the farm in Kansas when Gracie was very little and chat about Gracie’s introduction to tornadoes. Although Gracie had never seen a tornado or the destruction a tornado can cause, Jill saw the damage that could be done to the giant irrigation systems.

Listen in as Gracie and Jill share their eulogies for their beloved relatives. You can hear the original Johnny Weismuler call here and watch the Wiggles sing about Pirates here.

If you’d like to read the stories that Gracie and Jill share today as well as hear them, you can find the documents here:

A Daughters Reflection of a Mom’s Love

in honor of the brownie camera that sits proudly on my nightstand

Find out more about Gracie by following her online at the links below:

Instagram – @graciejenkinss

TikTok – @graciegirrlll

Watch her Tedx presentation here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5EiMOrB3-g

Purchase her book She Spoke Like Poetry here: https://www.amazon.com/Spoke-Like-Poetry-Gracie-Packard/dp/0692368043/

We continue the story of how the farm lived on in the family as well as stories of other people and their farm adventures in other episodes of The Storytellers Porch.

As we wrap up this episode and of the story built between Jill and Gracie, we would love to hear YOUR story! What combination of love, loss, joy, triumph, and chaos makes up your own life and what experiences might YOU have to share with the collective?

You can submit your stories here to be featured in a future episode. We look forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to share a signature drink with you.

Thank you joining us on The Storyteller’s Porch this week!

Make sure you subscribe and follow us at https://thestorytellersporch.com/https://thestorytellersporch.libsyn.com/, or on your favorite podcasting platform so you don’t miss a single story with us on the Porch.

We’ll see you next time where we’ll be sharing more personal stories with collective impact. What drink will you bring?

Always drink responsibly, don’t drink and drive.

Check out this story!